Stasha and I had planned to meet at the
Mozart statue, which is in a nice little park in Vienna - called Burggarten, at 9am on our last day in the city. Isabella joined me and we got there right on time, which is rare for me, but I figured it was our last day so I wanted to maximize my time with Stasha. So we get there and we're waiting for about a half hour and no sign of Stasha. Hm. I have no cell service and no wifi nearby so we started to walk towards Stasha's hotel and I caught some free wifi and texted her. She writes back that she JUST got up. Ha! SHE overslept. Classic. So we tell her to meet at this amazing coffee house called,
Demel, which is the most classic cake and coffee house I've ever seen. I grabbed a breakfast of eggs and ham, with an amazing fresh orange juice, and Isabella and Stasha both got the traditional Vienna breakfast, which consists of a few fresh rolls and a soft boiled egg. And of course, to finish off breakfast we had two pieces of cake - one was like a lighter cheesecake and the other was chocolate cake. Why don't we do this in the US? Cake for breakfast. Amazing. So after breakfast Isabella had to run because she has vocal lessons (yes, everyone in Austria sings), and I hung with Stasha at her hotel for a bit before saying goodbye. I hate goodbyes, as anyone knows me knows, but I know I'll see her soon. We spoke about doing Christmas in York, England at a small cabin or home, and I can't wait. Also I will see Stasha this summer somewhere in the US, and then again when I go to the Middle East to visit her. Actually, this will be the most I've seen Stasha in one year since she lived with me in Chicago in 2011. Good times. So I left Stasha and headed back to Isabella's place to pack up and then say goodbye to her and head to the train.
The train was very easy and very on time. It cost about $50 to get from Vienna to Budapest, and it took about 3.5 hours. Pretty uneventful - mostly because I slept a lot of the time :) As I said before, I can sleep on pretty much any form of transportation: car, bus, train, plane. You name it - I've slept on it. So I got to Budapest and arrived at
Keleti Station, which is actually really pretty. I took a pic below, though I'm sure it doesn't do it justice. When I got to the station I immediately booked another train to Prague for Thursday around 3pm. I arrived in Budapest on Tuesday, so that pretty much gives me two full days to get after it. I'm planning to go go go on Wednesday, so I'm fired up about it. I'm actually glad to be back on my own. I love just doing my own thing and spending time by myself. This year has really made it clear that it's very healthy for me to do my own thing from time to time…
Nice / random statue in the park |
Mozart Statue!! |
Me and my boy Mo |
My sister Rickey loves old style chandeliers, so I took this pic for her. Amazing, right? |
CAKE for breakfast :) |
They make EVERYTHING from scratch at Demel. If you're in Vienna you MUST visit. |
Keleti Station in Budapest - Very beautiful. |
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