After the crazy long night in Zurich, yesterday was perfectly relaxing. Hung on the deck all day in the sunshine and then moved my things over to Gaston's apartment, which is also nice. Yesterday during the day was kind of a wash - we really just hung out on the deck and then again relaxed back at Gaston's place. Oh - we did meet up with one of his childhood friends and we all went bowling. So fun. They're not that into blowing here but it was fun to get out there and have some laughs. Had a drink after bowling and then hit the hay relatively early. Woke up this morning after about 12 hours of sleep, and me and Gaston grabbed a nice brunch at a restaurant in the old part of Zug, which is the next town over from Gaston's parent's place in Cham. After brunch we went to Lucern again, this time to meet another one of Gaston's friend for some drinks. Good times - very nice people here. Before leaving Lucern for the last time, we went to a classic Swiss fondu place and ordered the classic cheese. In Switzerland you are supposed to order white wine and then dip your bread in the wine before putting it in the cheese. SO GOOD. Some pics below - very good last meal in Switzerland (albeit cliche). After that me and Gaston headed back to Zug where we played some ping-pong (or they call it table tennis), where I got killed by Gaston, and then back to his place to chill. I also bought a train ticket today that takes me to the south of France for my next part in this journey. I've decided to move from doing hostels to doing AirBnB because in this new system I can get my own room in most places - and almost for the same price as a lot of hostels. I will be staying a lot of time in a room in someone's apartment, but that's good cause then I will get some local tips. Very excited. My train leaves from Zug tomorrow at 7:30am and I get into Saorge, France around 7pm. Yes, a long train ride, but I can't wait to see all the south of Switzerland, as well as some of Italy.
Check out the place I'm staying tomorrow - looks AMAZING. I booked one night at this place, but if I'm really into it I'm going to stay. After that my place is to hit Nice, Cannes, St Tropez, and Arles/Avignon before heading into Barcelona!! So excited to get out there on the road again. It's been amazing being with Gaston here, but I also really love being by myself, so I welcome the change. Also, the south of France has always been a mythically beautiful place for me…
Have a fantastic day and a great night everyone!!!
Forgot to post this - from the night in the bar in Zurich. Funny knome |
Streubeley loves my clothes... |
The view off the deck doesn't get old... |
Pizza for Easter :) |
Love this pic at sunset yesterday. |
The fondu place in Lucern. They put your napkins in paper bags - haha. |
See you Switzerland - you were GREAT!!!! |
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