After my great breakfast I head out on a walk of the gorge right behind Civita. It's the main attraction here and everyone has said it is amazing, so I was excited to check it out. It's a pretty warm day - around 70-75 degrees. I walk up to the vista I saw the night before and it's just as beautiful. I walk down this very long path towards the river which runs through the gorge, and on my walk I must have seen 10-20 little lizards. Funny little buggers - flying across my path (one actually hit me while trying to get out of my way). Just before I come upon the river I walk under a big tree and I notice that it has black berries on it. They look way too good to pass up, so I stop and eat a bunch before continuing. If there is a heaven, it's filled with endless fields of raspberry, blackberry, and mulberry trees and bushes. Trust me - they are there. After I get a good fill of berries I head down the path and come upon a bridge which crosses over the gorge. Stunning. Mesmerizing. I sit and watch for a while and just enjoy the sunshine and the sound of the water below. There's absolutely no one around, and I feel like I have the place to myself. I continue walking across the bridge and along the huge rock wall, and eventually find myself on a small walking path that continues up into the rolling hills alongside the rock face. So great. So many little things to see and hear and appreciate. Butterflies accompany me for much of my walk, coming in and out of my path. I took some videos of this one spot I really loved. I walked through a big flowering bush and then into a small creek - completely covered in overgrowth. So fantastic.
Here's video one, and
here's video two. I continue along the path and walk up into the hills, which have amazing views back from where I started (pics below). Huge yellow and pink flowering plants everywhere. Very peaceful. At one point I decide I've walked far enough and start my way back. Something clicked in me and I started writing a poem (will include in separate post after this). I'm almost done the poem and I notice something coming through the bushes to my left. Probably another lizard. Wait - it's black. It's long. It keeps getting longer. Shit, that's a snake. A big snake. I guess I was standing so still and quiet while writing my poem that the snake didn't even notice me until he/she was right on top of me. I moved right when I saw it and luckily it quickly slithered away. Got my heart beat racing though, that's for sure. Finish my poem. Continue walking back along the path, and before I come up to the bridge I decide to head down to the river. So amazing. The water is crystal clear, and I walk along the bank of the river until I come to this
waterfall and then
another little are past it, where I set up camp and just relax and listen to the waterfall and the river beside me. Meditation. Peace. I really do love the mountains. While walking I see a bunch of fish here and there, as well as a few shallow pools FILLED with tadpoles. I guess it's the time when fish are born and start growing. Eventually I motivate and head back up the path to the apartment and relax for a bit. I'm drenched in sweat because the ascent back up to the apartment is long and steep.
About an hour later...I knew I needed to go get money out of an ATM, so I get in the car and head towards the Mediterranean. I know it's not too far because you can see it from Civita, so I drive about 25 minutes and I'm getting close to the sea. It's not as beautiful as Taormina, and all I find are lame little touristy type beaches, so I head back up towards Civita. Kind of a pointless trip, but oh well - had to try. I drive past Civita and head into the next town (Frascineto), which is where everyone told me I could get money. I drive up towards town and am immediately stopped by a heard of goats. Goats? Yeah - random but they are all over the road so I have to slow down and stop for a bit.
Check out the video. I drive through this tiny town and of course I don't see a bank. Ugh. I keep driving to the next town and eventually get a bank and then get some groceries for lunch and dinner for the next day. Score. I drive back to town and Stefanie and her daughter Sofia are back at home. Sofia has a friend over so I make them laugh and we all hang out for a bit out front of the apartment. Wine. Snacks. Funny conversation. Stefania's friend Antanella comes over and we continue the comedy. Then we all head back to Antanella's bed and breakfast to check it out - very nice. Amazing views of the city. Too dark to take pics, but it was a great night for stars and a crescent moon. We have an impromptu dance party out front of her place with Stefania, Sofia, Antanella, and her daughter Victoria. So much fun. Lots of laughs and sharing different types of music. Eventually Stefania, Sofia, and me head back to the apartment and call it a night. Such a great day. Hanging out with locals and just having a nice relaxing time here in southern Italy. It's been fantastic. Stefania mentioned earlier that she has some friends who play music, so they might come over tonight. Might head to beach with the same crew from last night, but we'll see. It's my last full day here so I might wanna just kick it here in town. Either way it's SATURDAY so I hope everyone back stateside is enjoying it.

Great shot of Civita |
Lizards everywhere :) |
Blackberry tree/bush!! |
Bridge across the gorge |
Very cool dead twigs |
See all the tad poles?!? |
Contentedness |
Ananella, Sofia, and her friend out front of the apt |
Me and Sofia showing off |
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