Yesterday was one of those days where I did absolutely nothing and felt great about it. I've been running around Europe for a few months now, and so it was nice to just relax and hang out with Stefania, her four year old daughter Sofia, and some of Sofia's friends. First Stefania made me a fantastic omelette, and then I wrote for a bit before just relaxing out front of the apartment. Sofia had some friends over and they were playing in the street, and neighbors would stop in and say hello from time to time. Very small town. Very friendly. Very Italian. Stefania took us to get gelato (ice cream) at one point, and as we walked into town I felt like I was with a celebrity. Sofia is definitely the town's favorite little girl. Old men were coming up wanting to say hello, and every little kid came running over to say hi as well. Cutest thing ever. We walked into the gelato place followed by a few other kids that tagged along, and then one of the other kid's dad ended up paying for all of us. Too sweet. I got mint chocolate chip ice cream and it was amazing. Sofia got chocolate, and before too long she was wearing it. Hilarious pictures below. It was too funny to watch. This kid has more character than many adults that I've met - she really is her own person. We head back to the apartment and I just go back to sitting on a rocking chair outside of the apartment for the afternoon. Completely content. Watching the sun play with shadows on the mountainside behind the town. Yellow flowering bushes dotting the landscape. Such beauty. If there ever was a place to just sit and relax all day - it was Civita. I played with the kids from time to time. Drank some wine. Spoke with Stefania about life and music and travel. At one point her brother came over and I talked with him about NYC, where he's visited before. Good guy. He told me I have to go to Verona. Interesting. Might have to take his advice. Stefania's mom comes bye to dote on Sofia, though the little on is too busy playing to notice. For dinner, Stefania cooks some amazing sliced potato and pepper dish, and she invites some friends over: Antanella and her daughter Victoria (from the night before), and another friend of Stefania's named Sasi and his girlfriend. Sasi is a bassist in a tango band in the next town over from Civita, and he has brought some local cheese and a bunch of wine with him. I'm sitting at the dinner table with a bunch of local Italians, all speaking in Italian, and I'm loving every minute. Sasi speaks English well, so we talk a bunch about music and I share some No Goodbye tunes with him. After dinner Sasi breaks out a guitar and starts singing old Italian songs, as well as some kids cartoon songs so the kids could sing along. It was one of my favorite nights of my entire year - hands down. What a treat for me. Stefania really is a special woman, and her friends are all fantastic. I grabbed the guitar and sang a few of my own songs, which were luckily received well by everyone. Then when the kids fell asleep we moved into the other living room and me and Sasi did some freestyle songs together. THEY. WERE. INCREDIBLE. I will try to upload them here, but I just have to say it was so uplifting and inspiration to be jamming again with another musician who's on my same page. Me and Sasi bonded immediately. It was fantastic. Eventually everyone headed out and I hit the hay, but wow what a night. What a day. I was looking for small town Italy and wow did I find it. Completely with local musicians!!
This morning (Sunday) I, very sadly, had to get my rental car to the airport in Napoli, and I just took two buses from there to a train which I'm riding right now - on my way to Salerno. From Salerno I get on a bus and get to the small town of Erchie, on the Amalfi coast.
Here's the place I'm staying until Wednesday. I spoke with the owner yesterday and he said he's hosting a big dinner with friends tonight at the apartment, so if I want to join it's 12 Euro. Sounds fantastic. Then after dinner apparently he and some of the people are hiking up a mountain and staying there for the night. What? Classic. I might have to join in this little adventure. Gonna be an interesting next few days but the sounds of this crew :)
Walking into town to get gelato |
Pre-gelato picture... |
The gelato gang |
Even more classic post-gelato pic :) |
Sofia playing hide and seek with her friends on the walk home |
For some reason Sofia kept walking around to everyone after dinner proudly showing this picture. |
Antanella and Stefania after dinner |
Fun times |
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