I left Phil and headed up towards the Grand Canyon, but not without stopping in Sedona first. As many of you probably know, Sedona is a hotbed for new age spirituality and mysticism. I'm very open to this type of belief system, so I was interested to check it out. I got to town and grabbed an amazing thai lunch before going to a shop called
Mystical Bazar. Crystals everywhere. Smiling faces checking me out. People buying incense and other air purifiers. I sign up to get my tarot card read and as I'm sitting there waiting, I overhear a guy talking on his phone in the store, and he is clearly saying that he's moving back to Orlando, Florida because he received a message. A message? A sign. Yes, he was apparently walking out in the mountains around Sedona recently, and an angel and a fairy told him that he was supposed to move back and work at Disney World. Wow. Yes!!! I love this random stuff. No, I don't believe in fairies, but the fact that someone out there really does…classic. He gets off the phone and talks to the woman sitting next to me, and he restates what he was saying about fairies and angels and his big move. I just listen and don't acknowledge much. A few minutes later, a woman walks out of the tarot card reading room with her client, and then the woman next to me gets up and goes in the room. She then comes out a few minutes later and introduces herself as my reader. Cool. I get in the room and she sprays some "air purifying" scent to clear the room. Classic. She throws the tarot cards out in front of me and there is a big space in between two long rows of cards. I pick a few cards and she basically tells me that I am on a great journey and that I should continue to do what I'm doing. She saw something in Austin Texas, as well as something to do with recycling, but mostly she said this year is pivotal because of the partnerships that I'm going to form. Partnerships in my future endeavors. Partnerships in love. She also talked about a mentor-figure that I will need to work with and trust in the future. Good insight. The most eerie thing is when she said she saw a warehouse space that functioned as a business. This is something that I've envisioned for years now, so it was cool to hear her mention it without any info from me. I left her with a big hug and a good feeling that I'm on the right path - heading towards an interesting future. I left the Mystic Bazar and headed up to a jeep tour company, but the last tour of the day had already left. I decided I needed to get up to the Grand Canyon, so I hauled ass up there and got to the Desert View campsite just before dusk. More importantly, I was able to secure the LAST camping spot.
I actually headed back to Sedona after the Grand Canyon, so I was able to do the spiritual vortex tour with a great guide named Kevin. He was very knowledgable about the rocks and gems in Sedona, as well as the spirituality behind each location. It was an amazing tour. At one point the tour group all stood in a circle at one of the vortex spots and said some beautiful prayer/thoughts. Yes, I know this is a bit far fetched for some people, but it was a great moment. Scientists have been deployed to these spiritual vortex locations in Sedona and they have concluded that the polar magnetic pull is very unique. So either way you look at these spots, they are unique and important.
Pics below from Sedona. I have better pics on my camera but, of course, again I'm having trouble getting the pics off my camera and onto my computer.
Thai place in Sedona - so mellow and great. |
Sedona! |
Kevin - my spiritual vortex tour guide. He played the flute for the group - so great. |
Came back to my car after the vortex tour and saw this beauty next to me... |
The Stupa - a spiritual vortex in Sedona |
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