My drive through the mountains was amazing. John and Lisa directed me to drive through a town called Lander, Wyoming, which has good restaurants and a classic western-town vibe. They were 100% right. What a treat. I had lunch at a place called the
Gannet Grill, which was fantastic, and then I continued on my way to Grand Teton National Park. Everyone has told me that I would instantly know when I saw the Grand Teton Mountains, and wow they were right. The jagged and rocky peaks jut out and cover much of the sky, and even from a distance you can tell they are special. I stop on the side of the road a few times to take pictures. I stop a few times just to soak in all the beauty. This really is the highlight of my road trip, and I’m feeling it. Marty McFly is running well and I’m feeling great. A few friends have connected me with people in Jackson, Wyoming, which is very close to my campsite in Grand Teton National Park. One such person is a woman named Babbs, who sells real estate in town. She meets me at a place called
Dornan’s for a drink and some dinner. The views are UNREAL. We sit on the deck and watch the sun go down over the mountain range, and then we move inside and have a great dinner. We talk about life, skiing, fishing, and how Jackson has changed. Babbs is a single mom and we talk about her son and how much she loves him. My sister is also a single mom so I relay how much I respect her and her strength. I also find out that Babbs is a huge fly-fisher, so we decide to meet up the next day to do some fishing. YES!! Justin lent me his fly rod so I’m ready to get after it. We go our separate ways after dinner, and I sleep like a baby in my tent. But of course I don't fall asleep before laying out on the grass looking up at the stars, which are perfectly clear. The Milky Way is incredibly visible and it relaxes me before I go to sleep.
It’s Sunday now and I’m about to meet Babbs to go fishing, but first I’m joining her for a dedication of some land. Apparently a big private landowner has decided to give some land to the
Jackson Hole Land Trust, and Babbs said it is a stunning piece of land on the Snake River, so I’m very excited to see it and join the ceremony. After that we’ll go fishing – so excited!!
Today is International Peace Day, so make sure to spread some peace and love today ☺
First view of the Tetons |
Dinner at Dornan's - view of the Tetons at night. |
Written on the inside of the bathroom stall at my campground... |
Definitely one of my favorite campsites of the year. |
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