Monday, February 17, 2014

Hola Mendoza

After a twelve hour bus ride I'm here - Mendoza! Luckily I had the front top floor seat on the bus and slept like a baby almost the entire trip. We rolled into town around 11am and I walked over to the hostel, which was really close to the bus station (but not too close for comfort). Here's a link to Hostel Lao, where I'm located. Mendoza is the world class wine region of Argentina, and the little town here is great as well. Nothing too fancy in terms of architecture, but everyone I have met is very nice and the food I had for lunch was great. Of course I managed to walk around and find some graffiti (my favorite pastime), and got some more matambre de cerdo at a restaurant called Estancia La Florencia. After the restaurant I walked into a wine shop next door to get a cheap bottle, and I find out that the guy working at the store used to live in San Francisco. Ha! Classic. Real nice guy too, and he helped me figure out the best bike tour for while I'm here, which was a good thing to figure out right away. My plans for Mendoza are to do some wine tours on a bicycle, which is very popular here, and then go horseback riding on a ranch nearby. I miss riding horses - always gives me a big thrill. I'll mill about tomorrow and figure out the horseback riding, but for now I'm content with my bottle of wine and the fact that I'm yet another amazing Argentinian city. 

Tonight I'm waiting for my friend Becca and her clients to arrive by plane, though apparently their flight is delayed so I won't be eating dinner till about 10pm. Classic Argentine style! Cannot wait to hang out and have a great (free) meal :) Good people and I'm really looking forward to it. Then tomorrow a friend who I met in Buenos Aires is coming so this part of the trip is really lining up well :) 

Hope you are all staying warm and having a good week so far. 

PS - sitting in the living room of this hostel and there's a young Argentine kid ripping the acoustic guitar. His singing doesn't match the playing but I'm feeling content at the moment...

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