Friday, February 7, 2014

Rain Delay

Yesterday was a very nice mellow day. I got up and had the stock-breakfast upstairs, where I met a guy from Australia named Liam, who was also going to exchange money downtown. Two other girls were going to come join us: Louise from Sweden, and Iben from Denmark. I had met the girls before because they are staying in my room, but on our commute downtown I learned that they are both doctors, which is always impressive. They met because they were both doing charity work in Uganda, which I thought was amazing and a great testament to what type of people they are. So we get downtown to Florida street, which is where all the black-market money exchangers walk up and down and yell "cambio, cambio, cambio" - which translates to "give me dollars and I'll exchange them for a better rate than the bank". Kinda sketchy but Liam had done this before so we decided to all give him our money and let him negotiate. Louise was way too intrigued not to join, so she went along with Liam while Iben and I chilled in Starbucks. They took a long time but this was because they went to a more reputable location, which had a long line. So after about 25 minutes they come back to Starbucks and we go upstairs to divvy out our moneys. Liam got a great rate of 12.5 to 1, so I was very happy and now had a ton of cash on me. We decided to head back to the hostel so we weren't walking around with such a large amount of cash, and then after that I showed everyone my Shwarma spot :) They LOVED it, and afterwards we took a nice walk in the neighborhood and the girls did some shopping.

After the shopping we went back to the hostel and I took a nice siesta before heading out to dinner with everyone. I've been wanting to try this place a few blocks away called Las Cabras, because it doesn't matter what time of day it's ALWAYS packed and smells SO good. So a group of 11 of us went, with people from all nationalities, and the food was indeed amazing. You will be proud to know I tried steak here, and it was actually really good. I'm still not sure it's really my cup-of-tea, but I gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised. After dinner we all went to this cool jazz-bar and had some drinks before some of the group wanted to head home while a smaller group of us went for some more drinks. Three Americans, Liam from Australia (hilarious drunkard), and Ameli from Ireland (tall, beautiful, interesting). All very good people - lots of laughs. We then decide to go to this club which we all walked by on the way to the first bar, and some guy walks past us with wristbands for the exact same club, which we happily put on for free. Yes, it happened just that randomly…classic. So we get in line for this club and it's totally obnoxious. Luckily we didn't have to pay, but it took some shoving to get in the club and when we got in it was even more of a shit show. I lost everyone immediately and just went from one room to the next dancing my face off. I'd setup in front of the DJ booth and just rip the dance floor. At times people were watching. At times they were laughing. At times I don't even know what the hell was going on cause I was dancing so hard. Good shit. After about an hour of this I see the other two Americans and Liam and I grab the American dude (from Boston) and we go rip the other dance floor. Classic random Americans ripping it. Boston-dude was trying to hit on girls on the dance floor, which I thought was kinda funny and pointless, but I just danced away. After about another hour of this we headed back to the hostel and I passed out around 4am. Good day. Good times.

It's Friday now and I woke up real late and made myself some breakfast. Tonight a small group of us are going to that show I mentioned before, which is kinda like Cirque du Soleil. Here's a link to it. The plan is for me to go get tickets for everyone and then we're gonna meet up beforehand for a drink and then head in to the show, followed by a late dinner. The show is in Recoletta, my favorite neighborhood, so I'm excited. More details to come tomorrow.

Oh yeah, there was an AMAZING thunder and lightning storm early this morning, which continued for a few hours. Thunder was crashing crazy-loud which I always love. It's still raining pretty bad and I tried to include a pic below. Heading out into the mess now!

Have a great Friday!!!

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