Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pompei Day

Got up and had a nice breakfast with Gian-P, Senem, and Giatanno. There are some issues with the apartment so there was some arguments going on with Gian-P's dad and the lady who actually owns the apartment. Quite a comedic scene - big fat Italian guy with button down and a speedo on, arguing into the phone as we all eat breakfast. Then a plumber shows up who literally looks like Luigi, and he's hilarious as well. Then I pack my things and head to the bus stop. I jump on a train in Salerno which takes me to Pompei in about an hour or less - very simple. When I get off the train end up sharing a cab with two random Aussies who were going to the ruins as well, so that was a nice coincidence. I store my big bag and then walk around the ruins for a few hours, taking pics and soaking it in. What an amazing place. The city was so beautiful and sophisticated for its time, and the history of it's demise is so poetic and devastating. All of this went down in 79AD. Cool to see all the architecture still in tact, and I took a bunch of pics. Hope you enjoy. The casts that look like actual people aren't the real people - their bodies disintegrated but these were casts that show exactly how they were when they died. Impressive and sad at the same time. 

After a few hours in Pompei I jump on a local train to Napoli, and then have to change to another train to Rome. On the local train from Pompei I sit across from two teenagers who are slapping the shit out of each other for the entire hour. I laugh inside because I've played this game with my friends too…and sadly we were much older. About an hour layover in Naples and then another 1.5 hours on the train to Rome, and then I'm here. I tried to book an AirBnB when I left this morning but that fell through, so I sit at a cafe across from the train station - eat a pizza - and book a hotel for the night. I'm chilling here now and am gonna get after the monuments tomorrow. Fired up to see all this history!! My rough plan is - monuments Thursday and museums Friday. Sat and Sunday we'll see how it goes. 

Oh yeah - I guess you're wondering why I didn't go to Civita. Hahaha. Forgot that I planned that yesterday before I went to bed. And that was my plan, but then when I got up today Stefania, who runs the AirBnB in Civita, said she was actually going to be in Rome this weekend so she said she'll just hope to meet up with me here. Oh well. Kinda wished I could have seen Civita again, but I know Stefania is busy and so all worked out well. Hope to see her when she's here. 

Passing out now - need to figure out plan for accommodations for the rest of my time here! 

Mt Vesuvius in background 

Mt Vesuvius 

My dinner in Roma...

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